let me introduce my self , my name is Muhammad Rakatama Farhan Habibie Student Class XI Science 1
as a candidate for Chairman Osis Period 2013-2014 convey my vision and
mission to become Chairman Osis SMA 3 Bandung .
we know Osis ( Intra-School Organization ) is an organization
established by the school a good school Junior High School or
High School which aims to provide a space for students to
develop their talents and abilities in the form of positive containers
with various activities therein .
The existence Osis we as students are expected to have a forum to
learn to organize , develop leadership skills , have a stock life to
always cooperate in menajukan school we love.
Vision mission when later I became Chairman Osis is :My vision is to develop and realize the vision of the future Osis to
support and assist students in learning activities , and to organize
activities that will be useful in the future after graduating from high
school 3 .
mission is to empower high school students to engage corresponding
ability of students in the respective fields - each as Arts , Sports ,
Business Funds , Spiritual , Education , and Citizenship . It is expected the council will be to function and act as a partner teacher in developing students' talents . The hope eorang students to become competent in their field , with
the intention , confidence , and responsibility as initial capital in
the organization and living in the community .
And hopefully the best will be the Next Student Council Leader
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