Minggu, 12 Januari 2014


Short storty : Hang tuah

At one time there was a young man named Hang Tuah , Hang son Mahmud . They reside in the River Mermaid . At that moment , everyone in the River Mermaid King Bintan teng heard good and courteous to all people.When Hang Mahmud heard it , Hang Mahmud said to his wife named Dang Tunable , "Let's go to Bintan , the great country , let alone our poor people . We better go to Bintan for easier finding a job . "Then at night , Hang Mahmud dreamed of langit.Cahayanya full moon fell on the head of Hang Tuah . Hang Mahmud and woke up his son and kiss him . Hang Tuah whole body smelled like perfume . In the afternoon , Hang Mahmud was telling a dream to his wife and children . After listening to her husband , Dang Tunable immediately bathe and melulurkan son .After that , he gave her the cloth , clothes , and all-white headband . Then Dang Hang Tuah Tunable feed saffron rice and chicken eggs , the mother also calls religious leaders to pray for the salvation of Hang Tuah . After completion of his dipeluknyalah itu.Lalu Hang Mahmud said to his wife , " As we watch our children carefully, do not be playing the way . "The next day , as usual Hang Tuah untukpersediaan splitting wood . Then there are the rebels who came to the market , many people are dead and injured . People leave the shop and the shop owner fled to the village . Bintan was stirred country and there is chaos everywhere . There was a man who fled to the Hang Tuah said , "Hi , Hang Tuah , was about matikah you do not want to go into the village . ? "Then said Hang Tuah while splitting wood , " This country has soldiers and officials who will kill , he will die by it . " When he saw that his mother was talking to the rebels as he drew his keris Hang Tuah . Then the mother yelled from the top of the store , he said , "Hi , my son , quickly run to the top of the store ! "Hang Tuah listened to her mother , she began to stand up straight and holding his ax waiting anger rebels . The rebels came to the front of Hang Tuah and stabbed him repeatedly. So Hang Tuah was jump and dodge stab him . Hang Tuah then swung his ax into the man's head , then terbelalah and dead man's head . So a child who witnessed it said , " He will be a great officer in the Malay ground . "
The news was heard by four of his friends , Hang Jebat , Hang Musk , Hang Lekir , and Hang Lekui .
They immediately ran to get the Hang Tuah . Hang Jebat and Hang Musk asked him , " Is it true you killed a rebel with an ax ? "Hang Tuah smiled and replied , " it would be inappropriate rebels killed with a dagger , but with the ax to the wood . " Then because of the incident , the king was very grateful for the existence of Hang Tuah . If he does not come to the palace , he would be called by the Hero Member Raja.Maka any discussions with other employees who are also envious of Hang Tuah . After the discussion , they came before the King .So when the king was sitting on his throne with parabawahannya , Hero Member and all his servants came to his knees and worship the King , " Respectfully sir , I beg forgiveness and blessing , there is a lot of news about the betrayal that up to me . The news was already old I hear from my employees . "After the king heard this , the king was shocked lalubertanya , " Hey you, what you already know ? "Then all the ministers replied , " Yours sir , my humble servants dare not come , but he's ruling that the conduct halini ." Then the King utter , " Hai Hero Member , just say it , we will membalasanya . "So Tumenggung replied , " Respectfully sir , I beg forgiveness and blessing , for it comes only servant was afraid , because who do that , sir liked it very much . Well if you were to believe in my words , because if not , it would be a good servant bad name , as if people vilify it .After the king heard the words such Hero Member that , the king utter , " Who is he , the Hang Tuah kah ? "So Tumenggung replied , " Who else would dare to do it other than that Hang Tuah . When officials told this to the servant of the servant of the servant of themselves do not believe , then the servant saw the Tuah was berbicaradengan a woman in the palace this host . The woman named Dang Faithful . Servant afraid he did something to her , then escorted hambadengan come to watch them . "After the king heard this , he in anger , until his face was red colored . Then he utter to employees who take evil , "Go , get rid of the lawless one is ! "So Hang Tuah was never heard from again in the country , but the Tuah did not die , because the officer Tuah was great , especially in this current becomes guardian Allah.Kabarnya Hang Tuah is in the first peak of the Silver River , where he sits as king all Batak and the forest . Even now, the king wanted to meet someone , then that person ditanyainya and he said , "Do not you want to have a wife sir ? " Then he said , " I do not want to have another wife . "

Short story : Judgement of Paris

The Judgement of Paris

When the dark beauty, Hecuba, the wife of King Priam, was pregnant, she had a terrifying dream. She dreamed she gave birth to a firebrand and awoke screaming that the city of Troy was burning to the ground. Alarmed by this, her husband consulted his son, the seer Aisacros, who told him the baby would one day cause the destruction of his country. Accordingly Priam ordered that the child should be put to death. So, after the boy was born, he was given to the chief herdsman, Agelaus, to be killed. Agelaus left the child on Mount Ida to die from exposure but, returning five days later, found the boy still alive and took him home, where he brought him up secretly. As a young man, Paris became noted for his extreme beauty, wit and prowess.

At about this time the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, the hero and the sea-goddess, was celebrated on Mount Pelion. All the gods and goddesses were invited, with the noted exception of Eris, the Goddess of Strife, who was hideous and disagreeable. Angered at being left out of the nuptuals she strode into the middle of the wedding feast and threw a golden apple into the assembled company. It landed between the three most powerful goddesses, Hera, Athene and Aphrodite. Picking it up, Zeus found it was inscribed ‘For the Fairest’. Wisely deciding not to judge between the three deities himself, Zeus nominated the beautiful Paris as arbiter, but first he sent Hermes to enquire whether he would be willing to act as judge. Paris agreed and so a time was set for the three goddesses to appear to him on Mount Ida.

When the day came, Paris sat himself on a boulder and waited with beating heart for the arrival of the three great deities. All at once a great light appeared which covered the entire mountain. At first Paris was blinded, but then the goddesses cloaked their light in cloud so that he was able to look at them. First Hera, the great queen, approached him and flaunted her beauty in front of him. Radiant with glory she made him a promise. If he awarded her the apple, she would grant him wealth and power. He would rule over the greatest kingdom on earth. Paris felt the excitement of this and his ambition rose up and yearned for her gift.

After that, grey-eyed Athene approached him, drawing near and bending down, so that he might look into the magical depths of her eyes. She promised him victory in all battles, together with glory and wisdom - the three most precious gifts a man could have. This time Paris felt his mind leap with excitement and with desire for the riches of knowledge and the glory of prowess.

Then it was the turn of Aphrodite. Hanging back a little, she tilted her head so that her hair fell forward, concealing a blush on her face. Then she loosened the girdle of her robe and beneath it, Paris caught sight of her perfectly formed breast, white as alabaster.

‘Paris,’ she said, and her voice seemed to sing inside his head. ‘Give me the apple and in return I will give you the gift of love. You will possess the most beautiful woman in the land, a woman equal to me in perfection of form. With her you will experience the greatest delights of love-making. Choose me, Paris, and she will be yours.’

Then Paris, overpowered by the intoxication of her words and her beauty, found himself handing her the apple without even pausing to reflect on his decision, guided only by the strength of his desire.

So it was that Paris awarded the Apple of Discord to Aphrodite, and Hera and Athene became his implacable enemies. True to her promise, Aphrodite gave him Helen, the most beautiful woman living on the earth at that time - but, in order to enjoy her, he had to snatch her from her powerful husband, Menelaus. So began the terrible ten-years’ war between the Trojans and the Greeks in which many a brave hero lost his life, including Paris himself, and after which the great hero Odysseus wandered the seas for a further ten long years before returning home.

my inspired

B.J Habibie
Habibie was born in Parepare, South Sulawesi Province to Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R. A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. His father was an agriculturist from Gorontalo of Bugis descent and his mother was a Javanese noblewoman from Yogyakarta. His parents met while studying in Bogor. When he was 14 years old, Habibie's father died.
In 1960, Habibie received a degree in engineering in Germany, giving him the title Diplom-Ingenieur. He remained in Germany as a research assistant under Hans Ebner at the Lehrstuhl und Institut für     Leichtbau, RWTH Aachen to conduct research for his doctoral degree.
In 1962, Habibie returned to Indonesia for three months on sick leave. During this time, he was reacquainted with Hasri Ainun, the daughter of R. Mohamad Besari. Habibie had known Hasri Ainun in childhood, junior high school and in senior high school at SMA-Kristen, Bandung. The two married on 12 May 1962, returning to Germany shortly afterwards. Habibie and his wife settled in Aachen for a short period before moving to Oberforstbach. In May 1963 they had a son, Ilham Akbar Habibie.
When Habibie's minimum wage salary forced him into part-time work, he found employment with the automotive marque Talbot, where he became an adviser. Habibie worked on two projects which received funding from Deutsche Bundesbahn.
Due to his work with Makosh, the head of train constructions offered his position to Habibie upon retirement three years later, but Habibie refused.
In 1965, Habibie delivered his thesis in aerospace engineering and received the grade of "very good" for his dissertation, giving him the title Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften. During the same year, he accepted Hans Ebner's offer to continue his research on Thermoelastisitas and work toward his Habilitation, but he declined the offer to join RWTH as a professor per se. His thesis about light construction for supersonic or hypersonic states also attracted offers of employment from companies such as Boeing and Airbus, which Habibie again declined.
Habibie did accept a position with Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm in Hamburg. There, he developed theories on thermodynamics, construction, and aerodynamics known as the Habibie Factor, Habibie Theorem, and Habibie Method, respectively.
Habibie's time in Europe may have contributed to his

interest in Leica cameras.

Career in Indonesia
On his return to Indonesia in 1974, Habibie was made Chief Executive Officer of the new state-owned enterprise Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN). (In 1985, PT. Nurtanio changed its name to Indonesian Aviation Industry and is now known as Indonesian Aerospace Inc. (Dirgantara)). By the 1980s, IPTN had grown considerably, specializing in the manufacture of helicopters and small passenger planes.
Habibie became a pilot, assisted in his training by A.B. Wolff, former chief of staff of the Dutch Air Force. In 1995, he flew an N-250 (dubbed Gatotkoco) commuter plane.
In developing Indonesia's aviation industry, he adopted an approach called "Begin at the End and End at the Beginning". In this method, elements such as basic research became the last things upon which to focus, whilst actual manufacturing of the planes was placed as the first objective.
After he work in iptn he be a president of Indonesia. While he work as president many thing is change. timor leste split from Indonesia because of the attitude of Mr. Habibie are less strict. Many  corruption in habibie year. he could not stand because of all the pressure on him in the end he resigned from the presidency.
Why he could inspire me ?
Because while my grandfather and habibie make organization who theme is islamic he asked to my grand father  to put habibie at the last in my name. I so proud because it and maybe soul of habibie its in me . at the past I think my habibie name because I born at habibie years  and I think my grandfather and habibie is a bestfriend and always together while make a program. My grand father is a invertor of padi gogo , I so proud too of him . unfortunately my grandfather is die , but I still remember the memory of him and I proud because my self can study at him school .

novel review : ELEVEN PATRIOT

Eleven patriot
Author  : Andrea Hirata

"However runyamnya nation, Andrea shows that we still have hope," it is one of the expressions given by Ahmad Syafi'i Ma'arif, former Muhammadiyah chairman for the novel by Andrea Hirata Eleven Patriot. This novel is the seventh novel by Andrea Hirata. Eleven patriot is a thrilling story and very inspirational about the love of a child, a father's sacrifice, the meaning of being Indonesian and persistence to reach a dream - a dream.
In this novel Andrea Hirata still present figure of curly with a different storyline. In profiled curls dad is the greatest soccer player in the team lead workers, but they pass quickly. Dutch when they knew it immediately took him to the barracks and shell curls his foot in time until he could not play football again, after that my father was not discharged curls but banished to the island to build a lighthouse. Curls just knew that his father was so devastated to be treated like all his heart. Andrea short story at university Sorbonne, France. there he was going to buy a shirt original luis luis vigo for his father because his father was a player idol. hantangan is where many obstacles and made ​​us feel as if it will go.

my original short storry ( from true storry )

Angel is ( not ) I can be
The night was very heavy rain dripping , and the moon was disappearing somewhere . The amount of cloud cover as the beauty of the stars . And the wind was blowing loudly as if he did not calm because my existence . Indeed, I was alone in the hostile night . I just got home from my lessons and I was forced to have to wait at the front .
A long wait for that moment supirku kejebak congestion . I hardly know what I should do because I just can not go alone and where . It was a little place of my les kepelosok from the hustle of the city but it is causing its own preoccupation for the owner and teacher here . Teachers at my tutoring is indeed not like a lot of students for fear of making noise .
Nearly half an hour I stood in front of my tutoring . Suddenly came a girl with a face that looks like an angel who seemed to be down from heaven , like her hair like waves in the ocean that wants to take me to enjoy it , even as his eyes hypnotized me to always stare at his face . He is Alissa lesku friend who happens to also not come home .
" Rack why not go home ? " , He said while looking at my face . " Hey Lisa , mmm I have not picked up since ya same supirku stuck in traffic " , I said as he kept constantly look beautiful face . " Oh the same meaning dong hehehe " , Alissa replied . " Oh yeah eheheh GTU " , I said awkwardly as he was .
We stood in front of the same same place I was tutoring , and equally as well wait for pickup . I never thought a girl as beautiful as she was only picked up by the driver because in general I saw the girl as she picked up with her boyfriend . There may be an opportunity for me to know him more deeply . Shortly thereafter someone called to him , so it turns out it was the driver who had picked her up in front .
" Er Rak going ga future together ? I take paying anyway , "he replied as he opened his umbrella .
" Hmm moment yes " , I answered, tying shoelaces that are not true .
" Come on shelves do not pretend to tie his shoes " Alissa said .

" Ehh said who lie ? " , I replied .
Then we both walked towards the exit alley from where we were tutoring .
" Rack rain ga have already come here thera GTU both wrote in the umbrella " Alissa said as he walked .
Because I fear tomorrow I was sick with both of the umbrella . This umbrella may be small , but do not know why all of a sudden just enough for the both of us . We also tease each other while walking with this little umbrella . He began to shorten menjailiku occasional umbrella. So I was forced to get closer to him .
The cold rain suddenly become warm when I walk by them both . But I still do not think that this is real and not in dreamland . Laugh and joke coloring this short trip .
Did not think I was already up in a big way me and her usual spot in the shuttle . He was soon say goodbye to me and to his car quickly . He ran like a pleasure showed that more than me . Night in the rain garnished become unforgettable memories for me and an encouragement to me on the day next.

Today I feel something is wrong , but I do not know what went wrong today . I started to go tutoring as usual . Gray sky began to lead a strange journey that started this .
Finally, I will arrive at my lessons before the points of water falling from the gray clouds . I went in with the intention that half lazy and half wanted to study . On arrival at the class I immediately saw the angel 's face was sad , even as he suffered a deep wound . Whether because of what he's like that .
I 'm working on a matter that did not stop growing constantly see his face sad . Turns out this is what I feel, sadness that makes my mind these days . I could not believe the grief it .
She is a girl who is always happy all the time and he was like a jolly little boy who did not know this was . I feel a lot of lightning and dark clouds were enveloped her . I started to ask him what really happened .
" Lis , what is it ? "I asked him .

He was just covered his face and pretend not to hear me.
" Lis can be answered ga hell " , I was getting annoyed .
" Shelves can be ! , Cuman I 'm do not want to talk about it "he replied with rage .
"Well I cuman Tanya wrote Lis , need not use emotion ," I answered .
I began to see that his eyes began to shed tears one after her . I feel guilty for forcing him to tell what really happened . I started to sit down next to him and wiped her tears are falling one by one .
It tears me is the pleasure and happiness he lost . He issued his happiness like one by one . I began to ask myself if this is my fault ?
She began leaning his head on my shoulder . All friends of my friends began to mock and laugh at us . Alissa began to wake up and stop crying .
Me and alissa shame and embarrassed because derided as such by all the friends lesku . His cheeks began as shrimp reddish burnt , and his face began to reveal back cheerfulness .
Once home we both started talking at a place that is not so crowded and only accompanied by candlelight relentless kept swinging to and fro as blown by wind gusts .
" Shelves , yaa sorry I've been crying and spoiled like that ," he said, showing a sad face .
" Gapapa Lis anyways it really reasonable times mah mah woman like that , if I may know what the heck are you ? " , I asked , looking at her face .
" I had no problem with my boyfriend again Rak ... " , he replied .
My heart stopped for a moment and I felt there was something strange in the liver . The flavors I've ever experienced before but never reached segininya . This time my heart felt pain so deep that my heart was crying and could not be dark , dark , silent gara gara only heard one sentence that may not have meaning for others .
" Shelf hoii responsible dong .... " , He said , waving his hand in front of my eyes .
" Uh yes yes Lis , hmm yes if the romance no annoying thing was strange , because the gods will test us with all the exam " , I replied .
" Cieee raka hahahahah what he says now ," she said with a laugh at me .
I do not remember anything else until I said earlier . What I said out of my mouth and without thinking .
" Rak wrote ihhh do not stare ... , entar conceded loh ! hahahah " , he said as he began menjailiku .
" Yes yes Lisa I do not stare anyway " , I replied, thinking continue to what I said .
We also continue to bencengkrama though it was getting dark and the sun turned into the moon . The sky was empty now filled by star bright star lit night .
Not feel alissa was picked up by his driver and I was picked up by supirku . We both go home and rest our souls in the arms of a soft mattress like a cloud in the sky so much there .
That night I could not leave this world heading into the dream world . I was just thinking that had me chasing alissa turns out he's already got a girlfriend . According to the fact that it is still a face like an angel and the eyes are always hypnotized me it definitely has a girlfriend , but I was desperate to get to know him more closely .
Now , I was desperate . She has a boyfriend who will not open again the doors of his heart to someone else . the door was definitely guarded by love and affection and feelings alissa alissa girlfriend .

The angel that had already had bidadara now . He was already instilled her idol taste in men . His eyes are now no longer able to hypnotize me because I realized that he already had the do not disturb him and probably better when I'm away from him . I better see it with the idol of his heart was compared with that of course he's not going to be happy .
